Vibration amplitude refers to the extent of displacement or oscillation of a вибрирующий экран from its resting position. In the context of vibrating screens, which are used for separating materials by size through vibration, amplitude is a critical parameter that affects the screen’s performance. To adjust the vibration amplitude of a vibrating screen, вы можете выполнить следующие шаги:

Vibration amplitude adjustment of vibrating screen

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Check the Motor and Vibration Mechanism: Ensure that the vibrating motor or mechanism is properly set up and functioning. This includes checking for any loose bolts or worn-out parts that might affect the vibration amplitude.
Adjust the Eccentric Weight: Most vibrating screens use eccentric weights to adjust the amplitude. These weights can usually be adjusted by changing their position or adding/removing weights.
Increase Amplitude: Move the eccentric weights closer to the center of the motor or increase the weight.
Decrease Amplitude: Move the weights farther from the center or reduce the weight.
For more detailed information on the vibration amplitude adjustment of the vibrating screen, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь: