А вибрирующий экран is a mechanical device used to separate materials based on size and shape. It works by using vibration to move materials across a screen or mesh, allowing finer particles to pass through while larger particles are retained. Common applications include mining, строительство, and recycling industries.

Vibrating Screen Application

vibrating screen

Добыча полезных ископаемых: Separating minerals and aggregates from ores and crushed materials.

Строительство: Sifting materials for concrete production, sand and gravel separation.

Food Processing: Screening grains, seeds, and other food products for size and quality control.

Химическая индустрия: Separating chemicals, порошки, and granules for quality assurance.

For more detailed information about the application of vibrating screens, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь: https://www.zexciter.com/en/a/news/vibrating-screen-application.html