The deviation of material on a criba vibratoria lineal can occur for several reasons, affecting the efficiency of the screening process. When the material does not flow uniformly across the screen, it can lead to improper screening, clogging, and reduced performance.

Linear vibrating screen material deviation

Criba vibratoria de deshidratación de alta frecuencia

1. Uneven Loading of Material

Porque: If the material is not fed uniformly across the width of the screen, one side may have more material than the other, leading to uneven distribution.

y las razones deben ser investigadas y tratadas a tiempo para resolver: Ensure the material is fed evenly across the entire width of the vibrating screen. This can be achieved by adjusting the feeding mechanism, such as using a properly sized feeder or installing a distributor.

2. Imbalance of the Vibrating Motors

Porque: Linear vibrating screens typically use dual motors that must operate in sync. If one motor is running at a different speed, amplitude, or direction than the other, it can create an imbalance in vibration, causing material to shift to one side.

y las razones deben ser investigadas y tratadas a tiempo para resolver: Check the alignment, velocidad, and angle of both motors to ensure they are synchronized and generating equal force. Correcting the imbalance will restore uniform material flow.

3. Incorrect Motor Position or Angle

Porque: The installation angle of the vibrating motors can influence the direction of material flow. If the angles of the motors are incorrect or inconsistent, the material may move in an undesired direction, causing deviation.

y las razones deben ser investigadas y tratadas a tiempo para resolver: Adjust the angle of the motors according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Most linear screens are designed to work with a specific motor angle to achieve optimal material flow.

Los siguientes fabricantes de cribas vibratorias presentarán en detalle las fallas comunes y las soluciones de las cribas vibratorias lineales.

4. Uneven Tension of the Screen Mesh

Porque: If the screen mesh is not tensioned evenly across the frame, it can cause parts of the screen to vibrate more or less than others. This can lead to uneven material distribution, with some areas allowing more material to pass through and others pushing it to the sides.

y las razones deben ser investigadas y tratadas a tiempo para resolver: Check the tension of the screen mesh and adjust it evenly across the entire screen surface. Regular maintenance to keep the mesh properly tensioned can prevent this issue.

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