Maintaining for a horno de templado de vidrio properly is crucial for extending its service life and ensuring the quality of the tempered glass produced. Here are some key maintenance steps for a glass tempering furnace:

Glass tempering furnace maintenance

glass tempering furnace

Daily Cleaning and Inspection:

Start each day by thoroughly cleaning the furnace, especially critical parts like the ceramic rollers, heating elements, and air grilles.

Use soft cloths and non-corrosive cleaners to remove dust and debris.

Check for signs of damage or wear on all components and record any abnormalities.

Regular Lubrication and Adjustment:

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to regularly lubricate bearings, engranajes, and other moving parts.

Correct lubrication not only reduces wear and tear but also prevents failures due to insufficient lubrication.

Periodically adjust the equipment to ensure proper alignment and balance of all parts to prevent unnecessary stress and damage.

Heating System Maintenance:

Regularly inspect heating elements such as heating wires and thermocouples to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Replace any damaged or aged heating elements promptly to maintain even temperature inside the furnace and precise control.

Clean the burners and flues regularly to prevent carbon buildup and blockages, ensuring heating efficiency.

Cooling System Inspection and Maintenance:

Check the operation of cooling fans and water pumps regularly to ensure unobstructed flow of coolant.

Clean cooling channels to remove scale and other deposits, maintaining cooling efficiency.

In cold seasons, take precautions to prevent the cooling system from freezing and consider insulation if necessary.

glass tempering furnace

Electrical System Maintenance:

Regularly inspect wires, enchufes, and sockets for wear or corrosion.

For control systems, perform regular software updates and functionality tests to ensure accurate operation.

For more detailed information on glass tempering furnace maintenance, por favor haga clic aquí: