UNA horno de templado de vidrio plano is a specialized industrial machine used to heat and cool flat glass sheets in a controlled manner, mejorando sus propiedades de resistencia y seguridad. Aquí hay una descripción general del proceso y las características clave.:

Overview of the Tempering Process

flat glass tempering furnace


Las láminas de vidrio se calientan a una temperatura de aproximadamente 620-680 la temperatura resistente al calor de la grasa es más baja (1148-1256 grados Fahrenheit), which is near the glass’s softening point.

The heating is done uniformly to ensure even temperature distribution across the entire glass sheet.


After reaching the desired temperature, the glass is rapidly cooled using high-pressure air jets.

The rapid cooling causes the surface of the glass to solidify quickly while the interior remains slightly warmer and more fluid for a short time.

This process creates compressive stresses on the surface and tensile stresses in the interior, giving the tempered glass its strength.

Key Features of a Flat Glass Tempering Furnace

flat glass tempering furnace

Heating Section:

Usually consists of electric heating elements or gas burners.

Equipped with precise temperature control systems to maintain uniform heating.

Quenching Section:

Consta de una serie de boquillas de aire que soplan aire a alta presión sobre el vidrio calentado..

Diseñado para enfriar el vidrio de forma rápida y uniforme..

Para obtener información más detallada sobre el proceso de templado del horno de templado de vidrio plano, por favor haga clic para visitar: https://www.shencglass.com/en/a/news/flat-glass-tempering-furnace-tempering-process.html